
Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey


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Realistic DX-150B

General Coverage Communications Receiver Rating (1-5): HH (2)
Made In: Japan 1972-1974 Voltages: 120 VAC 12 VDC
Coverage: 535-30000 kHz Readout: Analog
Modes: AM/SSB-CW Selectivity: 4.5 kHz
Circuit: Single Conversion Physical: 14.2x6.5x9.25" 15 Lbs.
Features: ¼" Head. Jack, S-Meter, Mute Line, ANL, Dial Lamp, Standby, Bandspread, Antenna Trimmer, AVC.
Accessories: DC Pack (8xD)
New Price: $120-140 Used Price: $90-130
Comments: Ranges: .535-1.6, 1.55-4.5, 4.5-13 and 13-30 MHz. Bandspread bands: 3.3-4.1, 4.85-5.1, 5.75-6.25, 6.6-7.4, 8.4-10, 9.5-12.5, 13.7-14.4, 14.7-15.5, 16.8-18.1, 19.8-22 and 25.5-30 MHz. Supplied with matching external speaker (shown).

Realistic DX-160

General Coverage Communications Receiver Rating (1-5): HH (2)
Made In: Japan 1975-1980 Voltages: 120 VAC 12 VDC
Coverage: 150-30000 kHz Readout: Analog
Modes: AM/SSB-CW Selectivity: 4 kHz
Circuit: Single Conversion Physical: 14.5x6.5x9.25" 15 Lbs.
Features: ¼" Head. Jack, S-Meter, Mute Line, ANL, Dial Lamp, Standby, Bandspread, Antenna Trimmer, AVC.
Accessories: DC Pack (8xD)
New Price: $160 Used Price: $90-145
Comments: Ranges: .15-.4, .535-1.6, 1.55-4.5, 4.5-13 and 13-30 MHz. (Coverage gap from .4-.535 MHz.) Bandspread bands: 3.5-4, 7-7.3, 14-14.35, 21-21.4 and 28-29.7 MHz plus CB channels 1-23. Supplied with a matching external speaker (shown). Note the additional coverage of the longwave band.
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